A Journey of Healing!
Humanity is broken and fallen, and in need of restoration and healing. This is the ultimate purpose of our journey here on earth. It is a journey of restoring the beautiful and pristine image of God inside us. Humanity, when it fell in sin, violated the purpose of its creation. Humanity was created to love rather than hate, to forgive not to resent, to heal not to wound, to serve not to be served. This journey comes into focus during the great Lent, in it we see our compassionate Lord coming and restoring the varying maladies of our brokenness. Whether I am rebelling against God and want to live away from Him like the prodigal son, or I am indulging in the pleasures of this world like the samaritan woman, or I am utterly paralyzed by sin like the paralytic or blinded by my sins like the man born blind. The Lord offers healing and restoration to ALL. Let us embark on this journey of REPENTANCE.