Are you looking for a spiritual and edifying way to have fun? We bring you a learning and exciting game for young children to introduce godly fun time at your Christian homes and gatherings!
This is a memory card game consisting of 24 pairs of the most well-known Martyrs in the Coptic Orthodox Church for children to learn their names, form a spiritual bond and enjoy finding their match.
Pick up the most matching pairs to win!
Coptic Who?
Go on a journey with the saints and learn about the cloud of witnesses in a fun way. Ask clever questions to guess the saint on the card. You only have 8 questions, so be sure to use them wisely! Use your Guide Me cards to get a clue as you journey towards guessing the saint on your card.
Be the first player/team to collect 8 Saint cards.
ORDER NOW limited quantity!

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If you are a resident in Australia, you may place your Coptic Crew orders directly via email or phone number:
You may also purchase items in person from St. George Church at Kensington, Sydney Bookstore or by post.
They will deliver anywhere in Australia!!